4 Signs You Have a Medical Malpractice Case on Your Hands

by | Jan 18, 2018 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Medical errors are now third on the list of leading causes of death in the U.S., with as many as 251,000 every year, says the Washington Post. If you believe you have a medical malpractice case on your hands, here are common signs to look for:


If your loved one passed away because you suspect there was a problem with the diagnosis or treatment, then reaching out to a medical malpractice attorney is one way to find out whether it was death due to mistreatment or not. If there’s any reason you believe this to be the case, if there are telling bruises or unexplained injuries, then seek out a lawyer right away.

Errors during surgery

Errors during a surgery could result in complications. For instance, if the tools aren’t properly sterilized, if the doctors removed the wrong organ or if surgical tools are mistakenly left inside the body of the patient—any of these mistakes could all lead to other injuries or infection. Worse, they could lead to death.


A lot of hospitals and medical care facilities are understaffed. That has a decidedly negative impact on patient care. Mistakes are much more likely to happen and patients don’t receive on-time care. If patients aren’t receiving the medication they need or getting them in the wrong dosage, this could lead to more problems.

Lack of consent

Patients need to sign a form before undergoing a surgery. However, if no such form was provided or if the doctor failed to thoroughly explain the surgery—right along with the possible risks and side-effects you might experience—then this is considered a lack of informed consent and provides you with ample grounds for a lawsuit.

If you find yourself facing any of these situations, hiring an experienced and competent medical malpractice attorney is one way to get the peace of mind you need.

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