Get Family Law Advice in Pen Argyl, PA Right Away to Protect Assets

by | May 19, 2020 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Many times, marriage is over long before one spouse files for divorce. A couple might live together for quite some time with one spouse planning to end the marriage. During that time, one partner might attempt to hide assets, including cash and property, in order to have an advantage over their spouse when they eventually file for divorce and start a new life. It’s important for every married person to know their family’s financial circumstances so they don’t face this unfortunate situation. If they know they are going to get divorced, it’s essential to seek family law advice in Pen Argyl, PA to put protections in place so they don’t lose money or other assets before reaching a divorce settlement.

To get divorced, a couple must disclose their assets and debts. This includes cash, business interests, automobiles, real estate, and virtually anything else that is valuable. The sooner a client talks to a lawyer, the sooner they may be able to stop their spouse from spending or hiding assets. While most spouses wouldn’t think of doing anything immoral like this, quite a few will and those that get away with it can cause unnecessary hardship for the family they leave behind. Family court rules make it very clear that this type of behavior is not allowed. However, avoiding it is the best way to prevent this type of theft.

It doesn’t matter which spouse earned the money that was hidden from the other. When a couple is married, the income both of them earn is considered a marital asset. Any spouse who thinks their partner might be secretly buying property or setting up undisclosed bank accounts should hire a lawyer who specializes in family law in Pen Argyl, PAbefore they lose assets they are legally entitled to take with them to start their new life. Attorneys may have resources available to them to help a client uncover deceit like this and prevent the other spouse from stealing from the rest of the family. ContactMolnar Law Offices to learn more about the process of getting divorced and how an attorney may be able to help a client protect their assets until the final decree is issued.

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