Regardless of your current situation or how you got there, remembering that there are people who will fight for your rights is crucial when going up against credit card agencies. If you’re being sued by a credit company, debt buyer or collection agency, you should find the best credit card defense attorney who will get you the results you need. Here are a few ways that working with a professional attorney can benefit you today.
Stop 30-Day Default Clock
When you receive a summons from a credit agency, you will only be given 30 days to hire a lawyer before your case is automatically lost and your bank accounts seized. Avoid this situation by hiring a credit card defense attorney so that they can stop the default clock with a phone call and letter. Save yourself from this stressful situation and aggravation by putting yourself in the hands of experts now.
Make Sure There’s Paperwork
Did you know that if your credit card company cannot produce your original legal papers you will automatically win your case? The advantage to this is that most credit companies don’t keep good track of this paperwork and lawyers will sue you without realizing this because so few people take legal action in return. Put yourself ahead of the game by challenging them when they least expect it with the help of a great credit card defense attorney in Albany, OR now.
When you find yourself dealing with a summons from credit card companies, the best thing you can do is put yourself in the hands of experienced professionals who will represent you to the best of their ability. Visit the website to see just how skilled experts can work to your benefit today.