Hire a Mediation Attorney in Mankato, MN to Make Divorce Easier

by | Sep 8, 2016 | Lawyers

The decision to divorce is a difficult one, but a person needs a solid plan once the decision is final. A mediation attorney in Mankato, MN with Blatzlawminnesota.com can help simplify the planning process, and it can help both sides move forward in the smoothest, friendliest way possible. Both spouses must make many decisions during mediation, and they can benefit from the five preparation tips below.

Agree to Participate

In most jurisdictions, divorce mediation is done on a voluntary basis. The only way to get everything out in the open is if both sides participate in good faith. That does not mean that soon-to-be ex-spouses must become best friends, but it does require meaningful conversation. Spouses should review the benefits and disadvantages of mediation compared to other resolution methods before coming to an agreement. If they both want to be there, mediation can be effective.

Do Some Research

Once a couple decides to go to mediation, they should get organized. It is not the mediator’s job to decide what to do with information if the client doesn’t know what’s there. To ensure that everything is covered, clients should create a list of assets regardless of ownership. Income information should be gathered, and expenses should be listed. Most courts require submission of a financial affidavit; consult an attorney to confirm the requirement.

Think About the Kids

Children are very resilient, but divorce is extremely difficult. Help children cope by mitigating the negative effects. Regardless of their ages, parents should tell kids what’s happening. By presenting a united front and communicating in an age-appropriate way, parents can reassure kids that they’re still loved and that everything will work out for the best. Most areas require divorcing spouses to attend co-parenting classes before the decree is finalized. A mediation attorney in Mankato, MN can help parents sharpen conflict resolution and communication skills to make co-parenting easier in the future.

Divorce is very difficult, even with the help of a mediator. However, if a person is prepared, the process can be very productive. Parents should remain flexible during the mediation process; a bit of give-and-take can leave a person pleasantly surprised with how things progress. Visit us on Blatzlawminnesota.com.

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