Reviewing Proceedings with Adoptions Attorneys in Murrieta

by | Apr 12, 2018 | Lawyers

In California, adoptions provide the opportunity for individuals and couples to become parents. Adoptions attorneys in Murrieta will guide the applicants through the entire process and answer their questions quickly.

Filing an Application

Prospective parents must apply at an adoption agency to get the process started. Certain details about their lives are verified by the agency, such as the parent’s income, employment, and they must also conduct a criminal background check.

Newborns or Older Children

Applicants must determine if they want to adopt a newborn or an older child. Those who want to adopt a newborn may have to enter into a contract to cover the expectant mother’s maternity care. Older children have the legal right to decide if they want to be adopted. The agencies arrange meetings for the child and the prospective parents to meet. If the child has an issue with the parents, they can reject the adoption.

Home Studies and Interviews

Home studies and interviews are conducted to determine if the parents are ready for the responsibilities of having a child. The caseworker evaluates the home and determines if it is a suitable environment for a child. The parents must have adequate space for the child inside their home. The interview process determines if the parents understand what is expected after the adoption. The caseworker reports their findings to the agency, and the parents are notified of the decision.

The Adoption Hearing

The adoption hearing is a formality that requires them to meet with a judge to officiate the adoption. The judge allows the parents to change the child’s last name and will grant them the documents that show that the parents are the new legal guardians of the child.

In California, adoption is an effective process that helps individuals become parents. Prospective parents who need assistance from adoptions attorneys in Murrieta can contact the Law Office of Michelle Penna to schedule an appointment now.

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