When you discover your new automobile is less than perfect and defective, it can be a stressful situation. Especially, if the auto is the only one you own, and you are left without transportation while the car is not working. According to the Tennessee lemon law, consumers have the right to purchase a new auto within the state that will operate according to the manufactures specifications. If the auto fails to meet these stipulations, the owner has a right to have the auto repaired. Once the manufacturer has a reasonable amount of time and attempts to fix the issue, the owner can be compensated financially for the auto and any additional fees incurred.
Requirements to be Covered Under the State’s Law
One of the key factors in knowing the auto is covered under the Tennessee lemon law is the vehicle must be purchased or leased in the state. In addition to the auto weighing less than 10,000 pounds, this can include any off-road vehicles, tractors, motorcycles, or motorhomes. The defect must significantly damage the auto to affect the value of the car for the owner to be eligible for compensation of a defect vehicle. Once informed of the issue, a manufacturer is bound by law to fix the problem within a specified amount of time or compensate the buyer for finances lost in purchasing the car.
Do Not Pay Until You Win
Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® understands that purchasing a defective auto can place a financial strain on the owner. They offer each client the option of paying for their services once they have received a reasonable settlement for their client. With over 35,000 cases successfully won behind them, they can provide the expertise and experience you require to obtain a fair compensation for a defective auto. Visit them online at www.yourlemonlawrights.com/tennessee-lemon-law