Families often feel helpless when their loved one isn’t getting the level of care they deserve in a hospital or nursing home environment. One common sign of neglect in these environments is bedsores. If your loved one develops bedsores, it’s time to meet with a bedsore lawyer in the Bronx to ensure they can get the compensation they deserve for subpar care.
Investigate the Situation
One of the first steps a bedsore lawyer in the Bronx will do is investigate the situation and determine the cause of the bedsores and any other issues you have identified. These investigations will help you determine the best way to proceed with your case. In most cases, bedsores are caused by neglectful situations that require legal intervention to correct and provide the appropriate compensation.
Address the Facility
Sometimes, a letter from your bedsore lawyer in the Bronx is enough for the care facility to take appropriate action to correct the problems. The threat of legal action often tells them they are doing something wrong and could face severe consequences if the action goes further. However, these letters aren’t always effective, and it’s critical not to wait too long to take further legal action, if necessary. Your lawyers will help you decide how to move forward.
Prepare Your Case
Trying bedsore or other medical negligence cases are often filled with challenges. When you turn to an experienced bedsore lawyer in the Bronx, you can rest assured that they’ll help you get ready to take all the legal action you need to get a successful outcome. They will stand by your side throughout the case to help you make the best decisions for your loved one.
If you’re looking for a qualified bedsore lawyer in the Bronx, visit Sinel & Olesen, PLLC, to learn more about their services.