Even if it looks impossible, there are times when the charges against the person can be dropped. Many people refer to this as getting off on a technicality, and that’s pretty much what it is, except this is something that’s meant to protect everyone and not let the guilty free as is so often assumed. Most of the time, the technicalities used to obtain a not-guilty verdict are essential in protecting a person’s rights, which is the job a criminal defense attorney in Putnam, CT has when they’re hired.
Everyone in the United States has rights. They can waive these rights, but they do not have to. For instance, there is the right to a lawyer before questioning. A person can answer questions on their own by waiving the right, but they should ask to speak with a lawyer instead. The lawyer knows what all of a person’s rights are, even if the person is not aware of some of them or doesn’t understand them completely, and will work to make sure these rights are upheld.
In some cases, law enforcement or the prosecution for the case will try to get around a person’s rights to get the conviction they want. This is surprisingly more common than many people believe. When this happens, a person can receive a guilty verdict if they do not have the right help. In some cases, however, even if they are guilty, they can obtain a better outcome simply because the lawyer knows the person’s rights and is going to make sure they’re protected through the entire legal process. When rights aren’t upheld during a part of the legal process, the person’s charges may be dropped because of the lawyer’s actions.
This is what is often referred to as getting off on a technicality, and it is essential to protect those who are innocent but wrongly accused throughout the legal process. It’s important for a person to hire a criminal defense attorney in Putnam, CT to make sure their rights are safeguarded so they aren’t charged with something more extreme than the crime they committed or convicted when they weren’t guilty.