If a person is hurt on the job or they become ill due to dangerous working conditions, they may be eligible for Workers Compensation in Vermont. Although damages are typically limited to lost wages and medical bills, an attorney may be able to help a client maximize his or her claim. Though nothing is guaranteed, a worker’s compensation lawyer will do everything possible to protect a client’s interests. Below are several damages that may be covered under the law.
Lost Income
If an on-the-job injury leaves a client unable to work, they are eligible to receive a weekly check from the worker’s compensation insurance agency.
Medical Bills
Worker’s compensation insurance covers the cost of medical treatments related to the worker’s illness or injury. He or she may also be reimbursed for the expense of travel to and from doctor’s appointments.
Disability Pay
Depending on the nature of the condition and its expected duration, a client may be eligible to receive disability payments until they can resume a normal life. If the disability is permanent, the award will be given in a lump sum.
The Cost of Rehabilitation
If a work-related disability prevents a person from returning to his or her former position, worker’s compensation may pay for training in a new field of industry.
Impairment Awards
An impairment can be permanent or temporary. Monetary damages for permanent injuries are typically higher than those for temporary injuries.
Section 15
In many cases, Section 15 benefits can substantially increase an award when a party other than the employer caused the injury. Clients should choose lawyers who are registered with the board of Workers Compensation in Vermont.
The firm of McVeigh Skiff LLP is focused on worker’s compensation law, and the team is committed to helping every client get the settlement they need to get back on their feet. If a client’s damages include lost wages and medical bills, they can call the office or visit the website to set up an appointment for a free consultation. With help from an experienced worker’s compensation attorney, a client can get the funds they need to rebuild their lives after a workplace injury.