Would a Personal Injury Attorney in Green Bay, WI File a Lawsuit Against Anti-Vaccine Parents?

by | May 13, 2019 | Lawyers

A Personal Injury Attorney in Green Bay WI most frequently handles cases involving vehicle collisions, slip-and-fall accidents, intentional assault, and dog bite incidents. Sometimes, a case is more unusual, such as an individual wanting to sue for libel or slander. Recently, some men and women have begun to think about suing parents who have not allowed their children to be vaccinated against measles and other potentially serious diseases.

A Valid Concept

Berkeley Wellness at the University of California points out that suing parents who do not have their children vaccinated against measles is a valid concept. Under U.S. law, this behavior would be viewed as negligent.

Determining Responsibility

Whether a case like this would be accepted by a Personal Injury Attorney in Green Bay WI is unclear. One problem would be determining who is to blame if a child too young to be vaccinated catches the disease and suffers serious consequences. The source of the illness must be identified. If the parents know their baby was exposed to measles because of a specific person, suing is a possibility.

Who Pays for Damages?

There also is the problem of who would pay the claim for medical expenses and damages for negligent behavior. In most personal injury cases handled by an organization like Brabazon Law Office LLC, an insurer is responsible for paying. This might be connected with an automotive, homeowners, or business policy. No insurer is responsible when parents do not vaccinate their children and those youngsters infect other people, however.

The parents may not have a great deal of money. Although most parents who choose not to vaccinate are affluent, some low-income mothers and fathers also do not have their kids inoculated. These parents may be too busy with multiple jobs and may not have personal transportation. This makes it difficult to get to a clinic even though health insurance policies and Medicaid generally pay for all recommended childhood vaccines.

Personal injury lawyers are ready to represent clients who have been harmed by the negligence of other people. Anyone who wants to schedule a free consultation to ask questions about their situations may Click Here to get started.

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