Georgia non-custodial parents are required to submit child support payments after the judge awards custody in order to uphold their financial responsibility to their child. The funds are provided to the custodial parent to help them afford necessities for the child. A child support lawyer could assist these parents in defining how the court calculates these monetary requirements.
The Income of Both Parties
The judge performs an assessment of each parent’s income. Both parents should have the ability to provide an equal portion of support for the child, but the earning capacity of the custodial parent may affect the total value of the child support payments. The value of the support payments may reflect about fifty percent of the non-custodial parent’s income; however, the judge may modify this percent based on the total number of children.
Long-Term Medical Requirements for the Child
Children who may need long-term medical care for a chronic condition may require additional support. The judge may order an increase in child support to compensate the custodial parent for fifty percent of these requirements. The judge calculates these requirements based on whether the child will recover from this condition or not.
Achieving the Same Lifestyle
In divorce proceedings, the judge requires the division of the marital assets to provide the same lifestyle achieved during the marriage for both parties. These expectations are considered when child support is calculated. The judge takes measures to ensure that the child has the same opportunities they would have if their parents would have continued their marriage.
Managing Educational Requirements
The non-custodial parent remains responsible for fifty percent of educational costs for the child as well. This applies for tuition for private school and college. The court may create provisions to ensure that the child receives additional support for these requirements.
Georgia parents must provide child support as directed by the court. Any failure to comply with this court order could result in the immediate arrest of the non-custodial parent. Additionally, the custodial parent may request an increase based on the non-custodial parent’s income. Parents who need help with the calculation of these payments should contact a child support lawyer by visiting Website Domain right now.