It can be extremely frustrating to purchase a new car to only have it in the repair shop more often than on the road. When a person purchases an automobile they expect that the car will run impeccably. Manufacturers have a responsibility to provide consumers with a reliable and safe product. Occasionally, that might not always be the case when a person buys a new automobile. They might be the unlucky owner of a car that is defective and will not function properly. A Texas Lemon Law Attorney can assist a consumer, who feels they have purchased a flawed automobile find relief by getting their money back or a replacement vehicle.
Advantages of Hiring an Attorney that Specializes in Lemon Law Claims
They are very knowledgeable in this particular area of legal representation and know how the laws work to benefit their clients.
An attorney will know whether or not a client has a claim against a manufacturer for producing a faulty automobile.
They can provide you with information that is vital to building your case such as what is a reasonable amount of time for the company to repair the car.
A lawyer help with notifying the manufacturer that the automobile is defective and can negotiate the terms of a settlement if you have to file a claim.
An attorney can help make sure you meet the technical requirements before filing for relief against a defective car.
Affordable Legal Representation is Available for You
Often when people face a legal claim, they do not hire or consult with an attorney because they are unable to pay their fees. In Texas, the manufacturer is responsible for paying the consumer’s fees if the successfully win their case. Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® offers their services to their clients for free and will be reimbursed when you have won your claim against the manufacturer. To learn more about Lemon Law visit