When your spouse refuses to pay for child support or sends in barely enough to cover the costs, hiring legal help might be your only hope to turn things around.
Legal options
Your lawyer knows what options you can go for. So you can count on them to guide you through an array of possible choices that put your best interests first, along with those of your children.
Taking on the legal system can seem incredibly intimidating. No worries, though. By hiring a child support collections lawyer in Chicago, you have someone to guide you through the legal maze, says Gordon & Perlut, LLC. You won’t have to be afraid that you’re filing those papers wrong or that you’re missing a valuable legal document. Your lawyer will look over your papers and make sure everything’s in order.
Legal cases often come with a ton of paperwork. Your lawyer will be there to offer you support and guidance so you’ll know how to take effectively manage that mountain of paperwork.
Less stress
Asking for child support isn’t often easy, especially if the parents share an adversarial relationship. If your attempts to get your spouse to pay adequate and timely child support have all been met by silence, sullen refusal or outright rejection, things could end up getting worse. To keep things from getting worse for you emotionally and physically, it’s better to hire a child support collections lawyer in Chicago. That way, you won’t have to deal with your spouse or former spouse personally, minimizing unpleasant encounters and reducing the emotional damage to you and your child. This also means less stress for you.
So if you have problems with financial support, take legal steps to ensure your child receives the support they need. Hire a lawyer to help you out and stand up for the rights of your child.