In Washington, car accidents present a high probability of serious injuries. If the driver is intoxicated, the odds of serious injuries increase. The at-fault driver is required to provide compensation for any injuries that the driver caused. A car accident attorney in Bellingham helps victims who didn’t receive compensation through an insurance claim.
Determining If the At-Fault Driver Has Insurance
The first step when managing a car accident claim is to determine if the at-fault driver had auto insurance. After the accident happens, the driver who is at fault must provide information about their insurance to all parties who were injured. The injured parties can file a claim through the at-fault driver’s insurance. If the driver doesn’t have insurance, a legal claim is filed to collect compensation.
Excessive Injury Costs
Any costs that exceed the limits of the at-fault driver’s insurance coverage leave additional costs for the victim. Some auto insurance policies don’t provide adequate coverage for more serious conditions. Unfortunately, the circumstances could require a legal claim to address the excessive costs accumulated.
Repairing the Damaged Vehicle
Auto liability coverage provides assistance for victims who incurred vehicle damage. The victim needs estimates for their auto repair demands. The estimates are filed through the auto insurance provider for the accountable driver. If the victim doesn’t acquire coverage from the responsible driver, they can file a legal claim to collect funds for the damages.
Replacing Lost Wages
Next, any wages lost by the victim are replaced through a legal claim. The victim will need to include an income statement from their employer that shows the exact value of the lost wages. If the victim wins their case, it is likely that lost wages will be included in the settlement.
In Washington, car accidents could lead to significant losses for victims. Unfortunately, some victims don’t receive any compensation for their losses. Some drivers don’t have insurance or don’t have enough insurance to cover the full expenses incurred by the victim. For some victims, the outcome could leave them with excessive costs, no vehicle, and hinder their ability to work. Victims who need assistance from a Car Accident Attorney In Bellingham can contact Allen Law Firm right now. Find us on Facebook!