What to Do After a Car Crash: Tips from an Attorney Experienced in Personal Injury Law in San Antonio, TX

by | Jul 28, 2016 | Lawyers

Every day in the U.S. more than 6,400 people are injured in a vehicle crash and an additional 101 will die. That’s a frightening statistic, but a serious accident could happen to anyone. If you are unfortunate enough to be in a car crash, what should you do?

Be Prepared

There are few things that should be kept in the vehicle just in case you’re involved in an accident.

  • A set of cones, flares, or warning triangles
  • A pen and pad of paper
  • A card with medical information (such as drug allergies) for anyone who regularly rides in the vehicle

What to Do After an Accident

  • If possible, move the vehicle off the road to a safe location, but don’t leave the scene of the accident.
  • Turn on hazard lights and place cones, flares, etc.
  • Check everyone for injuries. If in doubt, call 911 and request an ambulance. Immediate medical care is a priority.
  • Call the police, even for a minor accident.
  • If possible, document the accident with pictures and notes. Be sure to include date and time, weather conditions, witness names and numbers, information on the other vehicle (driver’s license, insurance, and registration info), the condition of the vehicles involved in the crash, the name(s) and badge numbers of police officers, and anything else that seems pertinent.

What NOT to Do After an Accident

  • Never make an agreement with the other driver to report it to the insurance companies but not to notify the police. This could backfire badly. At least one in seven drivers is uninsured but may have an expired or fake insurance card. Someone could be injured. The other driver might have active arrest warrants. Call 911.
  • Don’t sign anything.
  • Limit discussion of the accident to the bare facts when talking to the police or insurance company.
  • Be polite, but don’t admit fault even if you think you are at least partly responsible. This isn’t the time or place. Even a polite statement such as, “I’m so sorry” could be considered an admission of guilt, exposing you to legal liability under personal injury law in San Antonio, TX.

The attorneys at Martinez and Associates, PLLC are very knowledgeable about personal injury law in San Antonio, TX. Experience matters. Among other awards received by attorneys in the firm is recognition as Super Lawyers for every year since 2012.
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